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I have helped 2500+ authors write and publish their books. Hear what they have to say!


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What They’re Saying

I enjoyed the narrative structure which never loses the pace and keeps a nail-biting tension among the readers. Sweta deserves an applause for providing such a treat to the readers. I enjoyed the close entanglement of well-researched facts and fiction

Debraj Moulick

Official Book Reviewer and Blogger 

An absolute page turner. I could see the author’s dedicated efforts on blending the facts and fiction, past and the present so creatively. She has actually thought about every character so much in depth. Loved Ila and Aryan! And I could actually picture the adventures while reading it.  Definitely a recommended read!

Priti Siddamsettiwar

Avid Book Reader

Brilliant, relatable and very cute!! A very real life incidence put across in the most real words, Sweta dear, you’ve managed to touch the chords of so many people’s hearts.

Dhanashree Lale

Avid Book Reader

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